Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning – Edited by Daniel C. Knudsen, Michelle M. Metro‐Roland, Anne K. Soper and Charles E. Greer
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The disciplines of Geography and Tourism, while often covering similar territories, seldom coalesce in academic literature; this book is one instance when they do, and mostly, successfully too. Although for me, the opening line of chapter 1 (p. 1) suggested some major misgivings and triggered an array of alarms. The claim reads ‘The purpose of this book is to re‐theorize tourism’. This grandiose and sweeping opening statement is not indicative of the various narratives that the authors relate and the book does mine the interdisciplinarity between tourism and geography. This mining produces some interesting ideas and theories, which while not necessarily new, are nonetheless thought‐provoking and refreshing. As the preface states, Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning is the product of papers presented at the 2004 AAG and the authors all have some affiliation with Indiana University.
Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning is underpinned by discourses of social constructivism and identity and is concerned with readings of and meanings given to landscapes, and in particular, tourism landscapes. Surprisingly, social constructivism as a theoretical approach that informs the research for this book is not discussed. Nonetheless, the twelve contributors have largely addressed the major themes of the book: landscape, tourism and identity. Not unexpectedly, given the number of authors, the chapters vary in degree of relevance and quality.
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Geographical Research
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© 2011 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning – Edited by Daniel C. Knudsen, Michelle M. Metro‐Roland, Anne K. Soper and Charles E. Greer, Geographical Research, Volume 49, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 113-114, which has been published in final form at 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2010.00672.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (
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