Game on for Women 2.0
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Based on the Inclusive Participation Plan 2021 report (Logan City Council, 2021), the top factor influencing motivation for women over the age of 15 years to participate in sport and physical activity is health or fitness (81%). This is followed by fun and enjoyment (40%), social reasons (26%), and to lose or maintain weight/tone (21%). In term of barriers, the top area restricting women from participating in sport and physical activity is having poor health or an injury (29%). This is followed by not enough time/other commitments (28%), a dislike for sport/physical activity (7%) and have a disability (6%) or is not a priority (6%).
Logan City Council's data shows that Logan women follow a similar trend to women in Australia.
Key findings from the Active Logan Participation Study (Logan City Council, 2019) included: • Women are overall as physically active as men; • Women mainly participate in active recreation (walking, gym, fitness, swimming, running); • Women are less involved in organised club sports with netball being the most popular but ranks only as the 10th highest activity reported by women; and • The proportion of women and men doing organised activities is comparable. However, a higher proportion of women than men use a fitness or leisure centre (private and community) and community organisations/programs, including council programs. Only 23% of physically active women use sports clubs to be active compared with 54% men (Logan City Council, 2019).
Many of the barriers reported through the Active Logan Participation Study (Logan City Council, 2019) are comparable between women and men. However, a higher proportion of women report feeling unsafe doing physical activity in their local area and are less aware of options and how to get involved. Hence, to encourage and increase the number of women to participate in sport and active recreation activities, as well as lead as coaches, officials, guides, administrators and committee members, there is a need to create female friendly environments.
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Sport and leisure management
Gender studies
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Sotiriadou, K, Game on for Women 2.0, 2022