Pateras and Tomlinson
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Tomlinson, Vanessa
Griffith University Author(s)
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BACKGROUND: This output consists of the rehearsal, recording and performance of Pateras' percussion trio, All of My Nightmares at Once, plus the world premiere of a new work for tamtam and electronics by Tomlinson/Pateras. This research contributes equally to the ERA categories of Original Creative Work, Live Performance and Recorded Work. It extends a 20-year collaboration between Tomlinson and Pateras, demonstrates a shared performance practice, and an extension of that to other performers - members of percussion group Early Warning System (performing in AMNAO). The performance will be released through the label Intermedia. CONTRIBUTION: This project examined how to record three vibraphones/crotales in a work that is specifically examining different tones, sonic phenomena, and activity "in the air" not in the instrument. As such, creating an environment for recording and performing that transforms the space into a pool of sound waves and listening was essential. Given the incredible complexities in the score, this took some attention, as simply watching and listening to the performers did not reveal the potentials of these works. The work for solo tamtam and electronics similarly examined the acoustical space. Using Tomlinson's practice around Sounding the Tamtam, the live interactive electronics enhanced the overtones, fundamentals and white noise at different junctures. The Duo for Tamtam and electronics is a starting point for further sonic investigation, creating longer works for this combination and using the sonic tools developed to feed into other compositional projects. SIGNIFICANCE: Tomlinson and Pateras have been investigating sonic phenomena together and apart for 20 years. Tomlinson gave the Australian premiere of All of my Nightmares at Once in 2014, and this recording has now become the premiere recording. The work has also been broadcast on ABC Classic FM.
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Music Performance
Music Composition
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Pateras, A; Tomlinson, V, Pateras and Tomlinson, Pateras and Tomlinson, 2016