A novel post-and-core restoration system - results of three years of clinical application of the "Wuerzburg post"
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Boldt, J.
Proff, P.
Spassov, A.
Gredes, T.
Mack, Florian
Richter, EJ.
Griffith University Author(s)
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The Wuerzburg Post is a new post-and-core restoration system designed to eliminate the weak parts of post-and-core restorations and the associated problems, respectively. In contrast to conventional posts, the Wuerzburg Post is a short and thick post, which no longer relies on cementation or luting for retention in the root, but on stress-free positive locking, which it achieves by means of a post which can be spread into a predefined and form-congruent undercut cavity. The second key feature is an annular groove which runs in the dentin, girded by a corresponding structure, ensuring regular force transmission and stress dissipation, as opposed to the classic ferrule design. There are two versions: one with a machined core which can be prepared like a classic build-up to support crowns and bridges, and another one with a 2.25 mm ball end to connect to common dies which can be integrated into removable prostheses. As the system utilizes prefabricated parts made from Titanium, a precise fit is ensured, enabling the user to restore teeth quickly and easily. Over the course of the past three years, 129 posts were inserted, most commonly on upper and lower incisors and canines. The main application was restoration of fractured telescopes. During the observation period, five failures were observed. Two of the failiures did not cause significant damage to the tooth, and were subsequently immediately repairable. The survival rate amounts to over 95% after three years under risk.
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Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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© 2008 the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology and the Polish Physiological Society. The attached file is reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. Please refer to the journal's website for access to the definitive, published version.
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Dental Materials and Equipment
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