The correlation and regression analysis on aerosol optical depth, ice cover and cloud cover in Greenland Sea

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Qu, B
Gabric, AJ
Gu, P
Zeng, M
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors

Chen, Luonan

Zhang, Xiang-Sun

Wu, Ling-Yun

Wang, Yong

File type(s)

Qingdao, China


Research es on Arctic aeroso l, ice cover and
cloud cover ha ve received great attention and it related to the regional even global climate changing. We here study the
distributions and the coupling relationships of AOD, cloud cover (CLD) and ice cover (ICE) in the Greenland Sea (20 °W -10°E, 70°N -80 °N) during 2003 -2012. Enhanced statistics methods, such
as lag regression method and co -integration analysis method are
used for correlation and regression analysis. According to the 10
years satellite data, AOD was high in spring, and low in su mmer. Generally , AOD wa s higher down south and lower up north. CLD and AOD mainly had negative correlation s and ICE and
AOD had positive correlation s. According to the lag regression
analysis by statistical software EV iews, both t he peaks of CLD
and peak s of ICE w ere all 1 month earlier than the peak of AOD . The co -integration test suggested that both ICE( -1) and CLD( -1) and AOD were all zero -order integration, and there w as no unit
root in the residual, so there all had long -run equilibrium
relationship s. ICE and AOD
we re stationary series, and the
residual ha d no unit root, they
we re good coupling. The melting
of sea ice and decreasing of cloud cover would all result in the
increas ing of the AOD content. However, t he relationship
between AOD and CLD
wa s weaker than the relationship
between AOD and ICE, indicating that the aerosol in Arctic
mostly came from the sea rather than from the air .

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International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB

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© 2014 International Society of Biomechanics (ISB). The attached file is reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. Please refer to the conference's website for access to the definitive, published version.

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Biological oceanography

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