VHR Object Detection Based on Structural Feature Extraction and Query Expansion
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Zhang, Huigang
Zhou, Jun
Griffith University Author(s)
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Object detection is an important task in very high-resolution remote sensing image analysis. Traditional detection approaches are often not sufficiently robust in dealing with the variations of targets and sometimes suffer from limited training samples. In this paper, we tackle these two problems by proposing a novel method for object detection based on structural feature description and query expansion. The feature description combines both local and global information of objects. After initial feature extraction from a query image and representative samples, these descriptors are updated through an augmentation process to better describe the object of interest. The object detection step is implemented using a ranking support vector machine (SVM), which converts the detection task to a ranking query task. The ranking SVM is first trained on a small subset of training data with samples automatically ranked based on similarities to the query image. Then, a novel query expansion method is introduced to update the initial object model by active learning with human inputs on ranking of image pairs. Once the query expansion process is completed, which is determined by measuring entropy changes, the model is then applied to the whole target data set in which objects in different classes shall be detected. We evaluate the proposed method on high-resolution satellite images and demonstrate its clear advantages over several other object detection methods.
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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
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Image processing
Geomatic engineering