Population Structure, Migration and Habitat Ecology of the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Grand Lagon Sud of New Caledonia
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Primary Supervisor
Tomlinson, Roger
Other Supervisors
Werry, Jonathan
Limpus, Colin
Wantiez, Laurent
File type(s)
Conservation management of wildlife populations requires a comprehensive understanding of the population structure, movement and ecology of threatened and endangered species. The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is a species found in both tropical and subtropical waters worldwide and since 1982 is listed as endangered on the IUCN red list of threatened species. While C. mydas is afforded protection in many areas of the Pacific it still faces significant threats, both anthropogenic (e.g. by-catch from commercial and recreational fishing, directly targeted as a food sources by in-digenous groups and boat strikes) and environmental (e.g. climate change, coastal pollution and habitat degradation). These threats are real for C. mydas in New Caledonia (NC), however strate-gies to mitigate the threats are lacking as vital information on the C. mydas population structure, movement patterns and habitat use in NC is scant. Proof of C. mydas migration within the South-west Pacific, including linkages with NC and other Pacific countries, has been shown however more comprehensive data is needed. Furthermore, preliminary data suggest the Grand Lagon Sud (GLS) in NC provides important foraging grounds for C. mydas. However, identifying the spatial extent and habitat value of these foraging grounds is a challenge due to the complexity of the C. mydas life cycle and the species tendency for large scale migrations.
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Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Degree Program
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith School of Engineering
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Related item(s)
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) ecology
Grand Lagon Sud (GLS) in New Caledonia
Threatened marine species
Conservation management