Using integrative taxonomy to distinguish cryptic halfbeak species and interpret distribution patterns, fisheries landings, and speciation
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DiBattista, Joseph D
Stewart, John
Schilling, Hayden T
Suthers, Iain M
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Nadler, Lauren
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Context: Species classification disputes can be resolved using integrative taxonomy, which involves the use of both phenotypic and genetic information to determine species boundaries. Aims: Our aim was to clarify species boundaries of two commercially important cryptic species of halfbeak (Hemiramphidae), whose distributions overlap in south-eastern Australia, and assist fisheries management. Methods: We applied an integrative taxonomic approach to clarify species boundaries and assist fisheries management. Key results: Mitochondrial DNA and morphological data exhibited significant differences between the two species. The low level of mitochondrial DNA divergence, coupled with the lack of difference in the nuclear DNA, suggests that these species diverged relatively recently (c. 500 000 years ago) when compared with other species within the Hyporhamphus genus (>2.4 million years ago). Genetic differences between the species were accompanied by differences in modal gill raker counts, mean upper-jaw and preorbital length, and otolith shape. Conclusions: On the basis of these genetic and morphological differences, as well as the lack of morphological intergradation between species along the overlapping boundaries of their geographical distributions, we propose that Hyporhamphus australis and Hyporhamphus melanochir remain valid species. Implications: This study has illustrated the need for an integrative taxonomic approach when assessing species boundaries and has provided a methodological framework for studying other cryptic fish species in a management context.
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Marine and Freshwater Research
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© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)
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Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology)
Animal systematics and taxonomy
Fisheries sciences
Science & Technology
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
Physical Sciences
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Riley, IJ; DiBattista, JD; Stewart, J; Schilling, HT; Suthers, IM, Using integrative taxonomy to distinguish cryptic halfbeak species and interpret distribution patterns, fisheries landings, and speciation, Marine and Freshwater Research, 2023, 74 (2), pp. 125-143