The relationship between psychosocial variables and drive for muscularity among male bodybuilding supplement users
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Obst, Patricia L
White, Katherine M
Hides, Leanne
Griffith University Author(s)
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Other Supervisors
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Objective Given that a high drive for muscularity (DM) has been found to be associated with negative mental health outcomes for men, this research examined pathways involving social influence which may explain why some men are more susceptible to a DM than others.
Method Building on previous qualitative research, this study examined psychosocial factors (self-esteem, perception of body by others, and body satisfaction during youth) and social influences (peer pressure and social media) associated with DM among young Australian men who lift weights and take bodybuilding supplements daily (N= 250) – both precursors for developing risky body enhancement strategies. This investigation extends the conceptualisation of social influence factors to include social identity (ingroup identification with a muscularity centred subculture).
Results Path analysis found social media and peer pressure were directly associated with DM. Self-esteem and perception of body by others had a direct association with DM and an indirect association mediated by peer pressure and social media. Ingroup identification with a muscularity-centred subculture was associated with perception of body by others, peer pressure, and social media.
Conclusions These findings highlight the mediating role of social influences on DM in young men, reinforcing the role of peers especially via online mediums.
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Australian Psychologist
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Rights Statement
This is an Accepted Manuscript version of the following article, accepted for publication in Australian Psychologist. Piatkowski, TM; Obst, PL; White, KM; Hides, L, The relationship between psychosocial variables and drive for muscularity among male bodybuilding supplement users, Australian Psychologist, 2022, 57 (2), pp. 148-159. It is deposited under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Related item(s)
Social Sciences
Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Drive for muscularity
male body image
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Piatkowski, TM; Obst, PL; White, KM; Hides, L, The relationship between psychosocial variables and drive for muscularity among male bodybuilding supplement users, Australian Psychologist, 2022, 57 (2), pp. 148-159