Robust approximation rules for critical electric field of dielectric gas mixtures

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Accepted Manuscript (AM)

Garland, Nathan A
Muccignat, Dale L
Boyle, Gregory J
White, Ron D
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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A semi-analytic method for quickly approximating the density-reduced critical electric field for arbitrary mixtures of gases is proposed and validated. Determination of this critical electric field is crucial for designing and testing alternatives to SF6 for insulating high voltage electrical equipment. We outline the theoretical basis of the approximation formula from electron fluid conservation equations, and demonstrate how for binary mixtures the critical electric field can be computed from the transport data of electrons in the pure gases. We demonstrate validity of the method in mixtures of N2 and O2, and SF6 and O2. We conclude with an application of the method to approximate the critical electric field for mixtures of SF6 and HFO1234ze(E), which is a high interest mixture being actively studied for high voltage insulation applications.

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

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Garland, NA; Muccignat, DL; Boyle, GJ; White, RD, Robust approximation rules for critical electric field of dielectric gas mixtures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024
