BIM-LCA Integration for Carbon Emission Assessment in Construction Industry: Systematic Review and Research Opportunities
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Panuwatwanich, K
Tangtermsirikul, S
Papong, S
Griffith University Author(s)
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Arnhem, The Netherlands
A systematic literature review explored the integration between Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for carbon emissions assessment in the construction industry to identify primary research studies published in English between 2017 and 2022 that focused on this integration. Data were extracted from the included studies and analyzed using qualitative synthesis approaches, including content and thematic analysis. The study found that integrating BIM and LCA provides numerous benefits for enhancing sustainability and reducing environmental impact in the construction industry, including improved building design and construction, optimization of building materials, and the ability to make informed decisions regarding carbon reduction. The review identified several commonly used BIM and LCA tools, explored a wide range of applications of BIM-LCA integration, and presented various case studies that demonstrated its benefits. However, the study also identified several limitations of BIM-LCA integration, including technical challenges and the need for more real-world projects, best practices for integration, and analysis of the barriers to adoption in Thailand's construction industry.
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The Thirteenth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-13)
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Construction engineering
Environmentally sustainable engineering
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Samniang, W; Panuwatwanich, K; Tangtermsirikul, S; Papong, S, BIM-LCA Integration for Carbon Emission Assessment in Construction Industry: Systematic Review and Research Opportunities, The Thirteenth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-13), 2023