Factors Influencing the Conservation Status Of the Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus Lathami Lathami) on the Gold Coast, Queensland
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Primary Supervisor
Wild, Clyde
Other Supervisors
Castley, Guy
Phillips, Stephen
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Calyptorhynchus lathami, the Glossy-black Cockatoo, is a highly specialized monophagous bird feeding only on the cones of Allocasuarina species. Studies elsewhere have shown that C. lathami are restricted by a tight energy budget, forcing them to select high quality food sources, thereby minimizing effort and time in feeding, and resulting in the birds feeding in some trees and ignoring other apparently suitable trees. This specialized feeding habit, in conjunction with recent and ongoing habitat loss, is expected to cause a decline in their population in many localities. This study examined the abundance and distribution of C. l. lathami on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The feeding status and stability of feed trees was examined, comparing between feed and non-feed trees within a site, and between sites, determining why some trees and sites are fed upon, whilst others are ignored. The results indicate that many areas containing Allocasuarinas had little to no current potential as a food source due to low cone production. Ultimately, it was found that many birds were feeding in few suitable sites, with most sites being unsuitable. Where trees with adequate cones crops were observed, it was found that C. lathami would feed in the areas with abundant cones. Within these areas, the birds were feeding on trees with large cone crops.
This study also used the number of chewings (pieces of cones: C. lathami feeding residue) to estimate bird abundance. The population size was calculated using the quantity and age of C. lathami feeding in the study area, and their daily food requirements. It was calculated that between 250 and 690 C. lathami were been feeding on the Gold Coast. On-going habitat loss on the Gold Coast may suggests that this population is not stable.
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Thesis Type
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Degree Program
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith School of Environment
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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.
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Calyptorhynchus lathami
Glossy-black Cockatoo
Cones of Allocasuarina species
Gold Coast, Queensland
Cockatoo population decline
C. lathami feeding habits