Athlete career transitions: a systematic review and future directions for sport management research
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Mulcahy, R
English, P
Kirby, K
Stevenson, T
Sotiriadou, P
Griffith University Author(s)
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Research question This study is a systematic literature review of career transition in high-performance sport, paving the way for sport management research to further a comprehensive advancement of this field in addressing ever-evolving athlete needs. The current review addresses gaps in the literature by synthesising the conceptual evolution of career transition literature and terminology, identifying the focus of career assistance programs (CAPs) and similar support programmes, and investigating trends in the theories, frameworks and models examining elite athlete career transition.
Research methods Following the PRISMA guidelines, 151 peer-reviewed articles from 1990 through the end of 2023 were systematically identified and analysed.
Results and Findings A clear conceptual shift from retirement to career transition is observed, with a strong focus on education pathways and terminology. Findings also show a strong education focus and a lack of assessing CAPS. The theoretical basis for career transition work is generally limited, with existing research drawing heavily from various psychological-based lenses.
Implications This research contributes a comprehensive roadmap to advance research on managing athletes’ successful transition into life beyond sport. It offers fruitful avenues for managing the evolution of career transition and how sport management perspectives may help better assess CAPs. It showcases the potential of sport management knowledge as a fresh lens to investigate career transition in high-performance sport.
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European Sport Management Quarterly
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Fleischman, D; Mulcahy, R; English, P; Kirby, K; Stevenson, T; Sotiriadou, P, Athlete career transitions: a systematic review and future directions for sport management research, European Sport Management Quarterly, 2024