“Extremely Painful, but Worth It”: The Lived Experience of Receiving Collagenase as Treatment for Dupuytren Disease

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Molineux, Matthew L
McCann, Aine
Cox, Ruth J
Cross, Stacey M
Griffith University Author(s)
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Background: Collagenase injection is a relatively new, minimally invasive treatment option for Dupuytren disease. Most literature focusses on quantitative outcome measures, such as degree of residual contracture and recurrence. The patient experience of the treatment has rarely been explored. This study sought to explore patients’ experiences of the treatment process, including their reasons for seeking and choosing the treatment.

Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was used to explore patients’ experiences. Seven patients (aged 57 to 81 years) who had received collagenase treatment for Dupuytren disease engaged in individual, semistructured interviews. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed thematically.

Results: Thematic analysis revealed that Dupuytren disease was an obstacle to doing things, but not a barrier. Patients “went with the flow” of treatment, often taking a passive approach to their health care decisions. Patients found the collagenase injections to be extremely painful, but worth it. They had a varied knowledge of the treatment and disease.

Conclusions: Patients were pleased with the results of the collagenase treatment, even if the finger was not completely straight or there was recurrence. The quick recovery and minimal complications were positive factors; however, the injections were extremely painful and could deter patients from future treatment. This research highlighted that a number of patients had low health literacy regarding their condition, and this affected their expectations of treatment outcomes and future treatment seeking. There are opportunities for health professionals to improve health literacy for people with Dupuytren disease, possibly in a group setting.

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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

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Molineux, ML; McCann, A; Cox, RJ; Cross, SM, “Extremely Painful, but Worth It”: The Lived Experience of Receiving Collagenase as Treatment for Dupuytren Disease, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
