Superpixel-Level Weighted Label Propagation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
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Deng, Xianglong
Xu, Meng
Zhou, Jun
Jia, Xiuping
Griffith University Author(s)
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As a typical graph-based semisupervised learning technique, the label propagation (LP) approach has gained much attention in recent years. The key to LP algorithms is the propagation capability and efficiency of the similarity matrix, which describes the similarity between two data points. Concerning hyperspectral image which often contains hundreds of thousands of pixels, the corresponding similarity matrix is particularly huge and thus the LP procedure is intractable. Fortunately, superpixel, which can effectively characterize the spatial semantic information of surface objects, provides a reasonable way to solve this problem. In this article, we propose an elaborate superpixel-based weighted LP approach, abbreviated as SuWLP, for hyperspectral image classification. First, the hyperspectral image is oversegmented by the entropy rate segmentation (ERS) method, and the internal consistency of each superpixel can be achieved. Second, a new similarity measure is designed to estimate the similarity between two superpixels, and a superpixel-based similarity matrix can be thus established. Third, after the training samples have been expanded based on the superpixel distribution, a weighted LP technique is designed to propagate the sample label at the superpixel level without any parameter tuning. Finally, the label of each superpixel maps back to the contained pixels. We compared our proposed SuWLP method with several state-of-the-art ones, and experimental results on three real hyperspectral data sets certify the effectiveness and efficiency of the superpixel-level LP strategy.
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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
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Jia, S; Deng, X; Xu, M; Zhou, J; Jia, X, Superpixel-Level Weighted Label Propagation for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020