Swarm Sensing Modelling
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Williams, Raymond
Griffith University Author(s)
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Pollination provided by honey bees is crucial for global agricultural production yet bee populations are declining. To investigate potential stressors to honey bee health, the Swarm Sensing Project is developing miniature sensing devices and mounting them on large numbers of bees, in order to provide detailed information on their behaviour. An agent-based computational model has been developed to simulate insect flight behaviours under different environmental conditions. The model is currently generating synthetic data to support the development of analysis and visualisation techniques for the project. Subsequently, it will process field data from the micro-sensors to characterise honey bee flight behaviour and to understand changes in their behaviour once exposed to stressors. This model provides a comprehensive platform for the simulation, representation and analysis of insect flight behaviour. Initial results have been validated using radio-frequency identification tags attached to foraging worker bees.
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All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO 2016.
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Project description: This project is about developing a microsensing platform of sub-mm size able to generate energy, stored it in micro-batteries, communicate data via antenna, sense data and be controlled by a clock and has a memory to store the information. As an initial demonstration of the capability to be offered we deployed electronic tags on bees and this data collection is about the initiative emerging from this OCE Science Leader project.
Activity description: The swarm sensing project is developing micro-sensing technologies to be deployed in large numbers in the environment. In preparation for the data availability, this model was developed to prepare an simulation environmental where data from micro-sensors can be ingested, analysed and visualised. As the project currently works with honey bees, an agent-based model was developed to represent the bee flight behaviour, as if those bees were carrying small sensors. To simulate measurements to be done by these micro-sensors we used an atmospheric model output from South Esk region in Tasmania.
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Modelling and simulation
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Williams, Ray; De Souza Junior, Paulo (2016): Swarm Sensing Modelling. v2. CSIRO. Software Collection. https://doi.org/10.4225/08/57A7DE31147FA