Stewardship as a driver for environmental improvement in Moreton Bay
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Version of Record (VoR)
Bolzenius, Joel
Wood, Apanie
Davis, Ryan
Maxwell, Paul
Rissik, David
Ross, Helen
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Tibbetts, Ian R
Rothlisberg, Peter C
Neil, David T
Homburg, Tamara A
Brewer, David T
Arthington, Angela H
File type(s)
ndividuals and communities care for south east Queensland’s waterways in a wide variety of ways. Stewardship began with Indigenous peoples who have cared for lands, species and waterways for many thousands of years. In south east Queensland there are now more than 500 community groups which volunteer their time and effort to manage and protect our waterways. Traditional Owners, Landcare, Coastcare, Bushcare, catchment management organisations, citizen science monitoring groups, non-government organisations and environmental education groups. They are collectively coordinated through collaborative organisations such as Healthy Land and Water, and are supported by their state and local governments and other partners. They contribute enormous effort, passion and awareness raising to restoring and improving waterway systems. Landholders and industry, applying best management practices in their production and land management systems, and individuals taking their own initiatives and offering leadership, are equally stewards of our waterways. This paper presents an overview of the development of stewardship activity in south east Queensland, and discusses enabling conditions, pressures and drivers, and the changing face of the many types of waterway stewardship across the region. Brief case studies illustrate the variety of initiatives and their achievements. The paper concludes with a summary of achievements in the face of declining environmental conditions, and canvasses the information needs, actions and directions put in place to meet the challenges the region faces in the future.
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Moreton Bay Quandamooka & Catchment: Past, Present and Future
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© 2019 The Moreton Bay Foundation. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission
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Environmental sciences
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Nasplezes, R; Bolzenius, J; Wood, A; Davis, R; Maxwell, P; Rissik, D; Ross, H, Stewardship as a driver for environmental improvement in Moreton Bay, Moreton Bay Quandamooka & Catchment: Past, Present and Future, 2019, pp. 73-88