3D Web Design - Real Time Interactivity
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Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Herb Coleman
File type(s)
USQ Wide Bay Capus, Hervey Bay
Students are no longer limited to working with static objects. 3D publishing is an excellent medium to convey all types of information and provides a richer multi-sensory experience than a traditional 2D Web site. Users can animate objects and add interactivity to their online environment. 3D publishing makes it possible to create interactive 3D objects or animations in a variety of digital media including the Web, Microsoft Office documents, Adobe Acrobat files, Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Director and Dreamweaver. With a click of a mouse, users can interact with product models and architectural environments. They can view it from any perspective, zoom in/out, push buttons to activate moving parts, change colours, view animations and listen to music or voice tours in real time. 3D interactive designs can be presented on the Web in the same amount of space as a single ordinary flat 2D image so the viewer can explore, experience, 'touch', move and manipulate objects.
Journal Title
Conference Title
QSITE State Conference 2002 publication