The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World’s Vertebrates
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Hilton-Taylor, Craig
Angulo, Ariadne
Boehm, Monika
Brooks, Thomas M
Butchart, Stuart HM
Carpenter, Kent E
Chanson, Janice
Collen, Ben
Cox, Neil A
Darwall, William RT
Dulvy, Nicholas K
Harrison, Lucy R
Katariya, Vineet
Pollock, Caroline M
Quader, Suhel
Richman, Nadia I
Rodrigues, Ana SL
Tognelli, Marcelo F
Vie, Jean-Christophe
Aguiar, John M
Allen, David J
Allen, Gerald R
Amori, Giovanni
Ananjeva, Natalia B
Andreone, Franco
Andrew, Paul
Aquino Ortiz, Aida Luz
Baillie, Jonathan EM
Baldi, Ricardo
Bell, Ben D
Biju, SD
Bird, Jeremy P
Black-Decima, Patricia
Blanc, J Julian
Bolanos, Federico
Bolivar-G, Wilmar
Burfield, Ian J
Burton, James A
Capper, David R
Castro, Fernando
Catullo, Gianluca
Cavanagh, Rachel D
Channing, Alan
Chao, Ning Labbish
Chenery, Anna M
Chiozza, Federica
Clausnitzer, Viola
Collar, Nigel J
Collett, Leah C
Collette, Bruce B
Fernandez, Claudia F Cortez
Craig, Matthew T
Crosby, Michael J
Cumberlidge, Neil
Cuttelod, Annabelle
Derocher, Andrew E
Diesmos, Arvin C
Donaldson, John S
Duckworth, JW
Dutson, Guy
Dutta, SK
Emslie, Richard H
Farjon, Aljos
Fowler, Sarah
Freyhof, Joerg
Garshelis, David L
Gerlach, Justin
Gower, David J
Grant, Tandora D
Hammerson, Geoffrey A
Harris, Richard B
Heaney, Lawrence R
Hedges, S Blair
Hero, Jean-Marc
Hughes, Baz
Hussain, Syed Ainul
Icochea M, Javier
Inger, Robert F
Ishii, Nobuo
Iskandar, Djoko T
Jenkins, Richard KB
Kaneko, Yoshio
Kottelat, Maurice
Kovacs, Kit M
Kuzmin, Sergius L
La Marca, Enrique
Lamoreux, John F
Lau, Michael WN
Lavilla, Esteban O
Leus, Kristin
Lewison, Rebecca L
Lichtenstein, Gabriela
Livingstone, Suzanne R
Lukoschek, Vimoksalehi
Mallon, David P
McGowan, Philip JK
McIvor, Anna
Moehlman, Patricia D
Molur, Sanjay
Munoz Alonso, Antonio
Musick, John A
Nowell, Kristin
Nussbaum, Ronald A
Olech, Wanda
Orlov, Nikolay L
Papenfuss, Theodore J
Parra-Olea, Gabriela
Perrin, William F
Polidoro, Beth A
Pourkazemi, Mohammad
Racey, Paul A
Ragle, James S
Ram, Mala
Rathbun, Galen
Reynolds, Robert P
Rhodin, Anders GJ
Richards, Stephen J
Rodriguez, Lily O
Ron, Santiago R
Rondinini, Carlo
Rylands, Anthony B
de Mitcheson, Yvonne Sadovy
Sanciangco, Jonnell C
Sanders, Kate L
Santos-Barrera, Georgina
Schipper, Jan
Self-Sullivan, Caryn
Shi, Yichuan
Shoemaker, Alan
Short, Frederick T
Sillero-Zubiri, Claudio
Silvano, Debora L
Smith, Kevin G
Smith, Andrew T
Snoeks, Jos
Stattersfield, Alison J
Symes, Andrew J
Taber, Andrew B
Talukdar, Bibhab K
Temple, Helen J
Timmins, Rob
Tobias, Joseph A
Tsytsulina, Katerina
Tweddle, Denis
Ubeda, Carmen
Valenti, Sarah V
van Dijk, Peter Paul
Veiga, Liza M
Veloso, Alberto
Wege, David C
Wilkinson, Mark
Williamson, Elizabeth A
Xie, Feng
Young, Bruce E
Akcakaya, H Resit
Bennun, Leon
Blackburn, Tim M
Boitani, Luigi
Dublin, Holly T
da Fonseca, Gustavo AB
Gascon, Claude
Lacher, Thomas E
Mace, Georgina M
Mainka, Susan A
McNeely, Jeffery A
Mittermeier, Russell A
Reid, Gordon McGregor
Paul Rodriguez, Jon
Rosenberg, Andrew A
Samways, Michael J
Smart, Jane
Stein, Bruce A
Stuart, Simon N
Griffith University Author(s)
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Using data for 25,780 species categorized on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, we present an assessment of the status of the world's vertebrates. One-fifth of species are classified as Threatened, and we show that this figure is increasing: On average, 52 species of mammals, birds, and amphibians move one category closer to extinction each year. However, this overall pattern conceals the impact of conservation successes, and we show that the rate of deterioration would have been at least one-fifth again as much in the absence of these. Nonetheless, current conservation efforts remain insufficient to offset the main drivers of biodiversity loss in these groups: agricultural expansion, logging, overexploitation, and invasive alien species.
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Conservation and biodiversity