Mentoring pharmacy staff to implement a medication support service: An evaluation of process and outcomes

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Fowler, Jane L
McConachie, Brad
Hattingh, Laetitia
Wheeler, Amanda J
Griffith University Author(s)
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Introduction: To investigate the effectiveness of mentoring of pharmacy staff as they implemented a medication support service for mental health consumers. In particular, to show the relevance and applicability of Kram's four phases of mentoring to short-term mentoring relationships, the type of mentoring functions provided, and the value of utilising a pharmacist-consumer mentoring pair.

Method: 163 pharmacy staff (mentees) each participated in a one-day workshop prior to implementing the service and being mentored over a period of six months. Data were collected from mentees via pre- and post-training questionnaires, and from mentors in the form of diaries, field notes, and a focus group. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were employed.

Results: Kram's 4-phase model is relevant and applicable to short-term mentoring relationships. Mentoring functions increased after initiation, peaked during cultivation, and decreased during separation and redefinition. According to the mentors, both mentees and mentors benefitted from utilising a pair of mentors, each of whom had particular knowledge, experience, and perspectives to share.

Conclusions: This study extends mentoring research by showing that Kram's four phases could be intentionally integrated into the planning and implementation of mentoring relationships; moreover in short-term relationships. In addition, it has identified the particular mentoring functions that are sought and provided in different phases of relationships and that quantity of mentoring changes over the course of a relationship. Further, the study has found that mentees benefit from pairs of mentors (in this case a pharmacist and a consumer or carer) who provide different insights, knowledge and perspectives. Individuals and health-related organisations embarking on mentoring could use these findings as a guide to develop successful mentoring relationships, particularly when implementing a new service.

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Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning

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Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice

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Engineering practice and education

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