Mobilising Critical Literacies: Text Production in Children's Hands
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Woods, Annette
Comber, Barbara
Baroutsis, Aspa
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Grace Oakley
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The structures, procedures and relationships within schools both constrain and enable the ways that children and teachers can engage with the everyday ‘business’ of literacy learning. In schools and classrooms, the resources available to children, the spaces in which they work and how adults interact with them are often decided upon by others, including their teachers. In this chapter, we focus specifically on access to mobile digital resources and important spaces in the school, arguing that opportunities for children to be critical consumers and producers of text can be provided when children are afforded some control of decisions about how, where and when people, materials, tools and texts are used. Drawing from data collected as part of a larger study of learning to write in the early years of schooling, at two different schools in different Australian states, we examine two cases of ‘disruption’ negotiated by children and their teachers. We explore the potential of mobile technologies in children’s hands as key elements in changing the socio-spatial power relations around text production that usually hold in schools. These instances are explicit opportunities to study what is possible when young children and teachers work to change children’s relationships to materials, spaces and people in productive and provocative ways. We analyse the digital texts produced and the work of teachers and children to foreground digital literacies as a way to influence what goes on in their schools.
Journal Title
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Book Title
Mobile Technologies in ChildrenⳠLanguage and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in Preschool and Primary Education
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Other education not elsewhere classified
Early childhood education