Adults with Progressive Conditions: Brain tumour
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Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
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Barbara A. Wilson, Jill Winegardner, Caroline M. van Heugten, Tamara Ownsworth
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Primary brain tumour refers to a mass of atypical cells that originate in the brain or meninges (Mellado-Calvo & Fleminger, 2009). Of the estimated 120 types, approximately 63% are benign (non-cancerous) and 37% are malignant (Ostrom et al., 2014). Tumours are classified according to the cells or tissue in which the tumour arises and grade or degree of malignancy (Louis et al., 2007). Benign meningioma is most prevalent (35%) followed by gliomas (e.g., astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma), which account for 30% of all tumours. Approximately 20% of gliomas are low grade (Grades I-II), 20% are anaplastic (Grade III), and 60% are glioblastomas (Grade IV). Median length of survival for Grade II, III and IV glioma is 7, 4 and 1.5 years respectively (Ostrom et al., 2014). Malignant brain tumours (Grades III-IV) are cancerous, rapidly infiltrate surrounding brain tissue and are associated with the poorest prognosis for survival (Ostrom et al., 2014). Prognosis for people with low grade glioma is highly uncertain because these tumours often recur or progress to malignant status (Lamborn et al., 2008). Despite a typically better prognosis for survival, benign tumours can cause serious neurological effects due to compression and displacement of brain tissue. Survival outcomes vary according to many factors including tumour type and location, genetics, treatment regime and age (Van Meir, Hadjipanayis, Norden, Shu, Wen & Olsen, 2010).
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Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: The International Handbook
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