Liposomal Delivery of the RNA Genome of a Live-Attenuated Chikungunya Virus Vaccine Candidate Provides Local, but Not Systemic Protection After One Dose
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Tharmarajah, Kothila
Freitas, Joseph R
Mostafavi, Helen
Mahalingam, Suresh
Zaid, Ali
Zaman, Mehfuz
Taylor, Adam
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is the causative pathogen of chikungunya fever, a mosquito-borne viral disease causing highly debilitating arthralgia that can persist for months and progress to chronic arthritis. Our previous studies have identified the CHIKV live-attenuated vaccine candidate CHIKV-NoLS. Like most live-attenuated vaccines, attenuated replication of CHIKV-NoLS has the potential to limit scalable production. To overcome production limits, as well as other drawbacks of live-attenuated vaccines, we developed an in vivo liposome RNA delivery system to deliver the self-replicating RNA genome of CHIKV-NoLS directly into mice, allowing the recipients' body to produce the live-attenuated vaccine particles. CAF01 liposomes were able to deliver replication-competent CHIKV-NoLS RNA in vitro. Immunodeficient AG129 mice inoculated with liposome-delivered CHIKV-NoLS RNA developed viremia and disease signs representative of this lethal model of CHIKV infection, demonstrating de novo vaccine particle production in vivo. In immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice, liposome-delivered CHIKV-NoLS RNA inoculation was associated with reduced IgM and IgG levels with low antibody CHIKV-neutralizing capacity, compared to vaccination with the original live-attenuated vaccine CHIKV-NoLS. One dose of liposome-delivered CHIKV-NoLS RNA did not provide systemic protection from CHIKV wild-type (WT) challenge but was found to promote an early onset of severe CHIKV-induced footpad swelling. Liposome-delivered CHIKV-NoLS RNA inoculation did, however, provide local protection from CHIKV-WT challenge in the ipsilateral foot after one dose. Results suggest that in the presence of low CHIKV-specific neutralizing antibody levels, local inflammatory responses, likely brought on by liposome adjuvants, have a role in the protection of CHIKV-induced footpad swelling in the ipsilateral foot of mice inoculated with liposome-delivered CHIKV-NoLS RNA. Low IgG and CHIKV-specific neutralizing antibody levels may be responsible for early onset of severe swelling in the feet of CHIKV-WT-challenged mice. These results support previous studies that suggest CHIKV is vulnerable to antibody-mediated enhancement of disease. Further studies using booster regimes aim to demonstrate the potential for liposomes to deliver the self-replicating RNA genome of live-attenuated vaccines and offer a novel immunization strategy.
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Frontiers in Immunology
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© 2020 Abeyratne, Tharmarajah, Freitas, Mostafavi, Mahalingam, Zaid, Zaman and Taylor. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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Abeyratne, E; Tharmarajah, K; Freitas, JR; Mostafavi, H; Mahalingam, S; Zaid, A; Zaman, M; Taylor, A, Liposomal Delivery of the RNA Genome of a Live-Attenuated Chikungunya Virus Vaccine Candidate Provides Local, but Not Systemic Protection After One Dose, Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, 11, pp. 304