Neuromechanical adaptations of foot function when hopping on a damped surface
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Farris, Dominic J
Riddick, Ryan
Cresswell, Andrew G
Dixon, Sharon J
Kelly, Luke A
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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To preserve motion, humans must adopt actuator-like dynamics to replace energy that is dissipated during contact with damped surfaces. Our ankle plantar flexors are credited as the primary source of work generation. Our feet and their intrinsic foot muscles also appear to be an important source of generative work, but their contributions to restoring energy to the body remain unclear. Here, we test the hypothesis that our feet help to replace work dissipated by a damped surface through controlled activation of the intrinsic foot muscles. We used custom-built platforms to provide both elastic and damped surfaces and asked participants to perform a bilateral hopping protocol on each. We recorded foot motion and ground reaction forces, alongside muscle activation, using intramuscular electromyography from flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, soleus, and tibialis anterior. Hopping in the Damped condition resulted in significantly greater positive work and contact-phase muscle activation compared with the Elastic condition. The foot contributed 25% of the positive work performed about the ankle, highlighting the importance of the foot when humans adapt to different surfaces.
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Journal of Applied Physiology
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© 2022 The Authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0. Published by the American Physiological Society.
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Biological sciences
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Birch, JV; Farris, DJ; Riddick, R; Cresswell, AG; Dixon, SJ; Kelly, LA, Neuromechanical adaptations of foot function when hopping on a damped surface, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2022, 133 (6), pp. 1302-1308