Exploring the anti-cancer potential of dietary phytochemicals for the patients with breast cancer: A comprehensive review

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Sohel, Md
Aktar, Suraiya
Biswas, Partha
Amin, Md Al
Hossain, Md Arju
Ahmed, Nasim
Mim, Md Imrul Hasan
Islam, Farhadul
Mamun, Abdullah Al
Griffith University Author(s)
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Background: The most common and deadly cancer in female is breast cancer (BC) and new incidence and deaths related to this cancer are rising. Aims: Several issues, that is, high cost, toxicity, allergic reactions, less efficacy, multidrug resistance, and the economic cost of conventional anti-cancer therapies, has prompted scientists to discover innovative approaches and new chemo-preventive agents. Materials: Numerous studies are being conducted on plant-based and dietary phytochemicals to discover new-fangled and more advanced therapeutic approaches for BC management. Result: We have identified that natural compounds modulated many molecular mechanisms and cellular phenomena, including apoptosis, cell cycle progression, cell proliferation, angiogenesis and metastasis, up-regulation of tumor-suppressive genes, and down-regulation of oncogenes, modulation of hypoxia, mammosphere formation, onco-inflammation, enzymatic regulation, and epigenetic modifications in BC. We found that a number of signaling networks and their components such as PI3K/Akt/mTOR, MMP-2 and 9, Wnt/-catenin, PARP, MAPK, NF-κB, Caspase-3/8/9, Bax, Bcl2, Smad4, Notch1, STAT3, Nrf2, and ROS signaling can be regulated in cancer cells by phytochemicals. They induce up-regulation of tumor inhibitor microRNAs, which have been highlighted as a key player for ani-BC treatments followed by phytochemical supplementation. Conclusion: Therefore, this collection offers a sound foundation for further investigation into phytochemicals as a potential route for the development of anti-cancer drugs in treating patients with BC.

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Cancer Medicine

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© 2023 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Sohel, M; Aktar, S; Biswas, P; Amin, MA; Hossain, MA; Ahmed, N; Mim, MIH; Islam, F; Mamun, AA, Exploring the anti-cancer potential of dietary phytochemicals for the patients with breast cancer: A comprehensive review, Cancer Medicine, 2023, 12 (13), pp. 14556-14583
