The Impact of Consumption Vision and Emotion on the Tourism Consumer's Decision Behavior
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Sparks, Beverley
Herington, Carmel
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
Harry Timmermans
File type(s)
Zagreb, Croatia
Planning or deciding where to vacation may rely on nonrational thought and be influenced by imaginative processes such as creating visions of oneself in future consumption experiences together with associated emotions. This study examined the influence of pictorial and textual stimuli on dimensions of consumer consumption vision. It also tested whether elaborate and quality consumption visionary responses to print advertising, mediated by emotional responses, result in heightened product interest and expedited purchase decisions. Two hundred and sixty community members participated in the study measuring consumption vision, emotions, and decision making by responding to simulated advertising material. Pictures together with concrete words influenced consumption vision elaboration, whereas instructions to imagine alone versus concrete words influenced consumption vision quality. A series of standard regression analyses tested these propositions and confirmed emotion as a mediating variable for consumption vision and vacation purchase decisions.
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Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science