Co-Creating Gamified Social Marketing Programs Using Living Labs

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Primary Supervisor

Dietrich, Timo H

Other Supervisors

Parkinson, Joy E

Pang, Bo

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Gamified social marketing programs have recently gained popularity. However, a clear process to co-create, build and evaluate gamified programs from start to end is needed. Moreover, a stepwise method to embed theory and stakeholder orientation into programs while keeping a focus on user engagement is lacking. This thesis is based on three studies documenting the resourcing, co-creation, prototype development, and pre-testing and pilot evaluation of two prototypes of a gamified social marketing program to promote prosocial skills and behaviours in children: Biobot Academy. Study 1 presents a systematic literature review to identify prosocial gamified programs for children and evaluates their efficacy. Study 2 describes the process used to apply theory and stakeholder involvement processes, as well as evidence-based behaviour change techniques, to the co-creation and development of the prosocial gamified program. Finally, Study 3 proposes an enhanced living lab process to co-create, build and evaluate gamified social marketing program. It also presents the results of a mixed-method prototype evaluation of the program. Overarchingly, this applied research proposes an enhanced living lab method aimed at further operationalising the cocreate, build, engage (CBE) framework and serves as a guide for gamified social marketing program co-creation, development and evaluation.

This thesis makes four major contributions. First, it demonstrates how a living lab method can enhance the co-create, build and engage process in gamified social marketing program creation. It further operationalises the living lab method to enhance co-creation, build and evaluation activities in gamified program design while also considering important strategic and sustainability implications for social marketing programs. Second, this thesis expands on the CBE framework by contributing to the understanding of how co-creation activities can be iteratively and strategically placed throughout social marketing program development. Third, this thesis expands on the build phase by proposing a living lab process that shows an iterative prototype testing approach to program building, where components are co-created, tested and re-worked before the next stage of prototype development. Fourth, this research advances the understanding of gamification in social marketing by proposing a living lab process that details how theory, stakeholder orientation and evidence-based behaviour change techniques can be embedded into the CBE framework applied to gamification design. Additionally, this research provides evidence of the efficacy of a gamified social marketing program in improving social-emotional skills and prosocial behaviour outcomes. In conclusion, this research provides academics and practitioners with the tools to better understand how to apply social marketing to co-create innovative solutions for the betterment of people and society.

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Thesis (PhD Doctorate)

Degree Program

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Dept of Marketing

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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.

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social marketing


social-emotional learning


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