Housing, Home and History: Implications for Climate Change
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Swinburne University
Histories of the Gold Coast depict rapidly changing landscapes, partly because it is a neoliberal city and partly because land, and in particular residential land, is limited. The Gold Coast population continues to grow with the majority of people continuing to migrate from within the eastern states of Australia. The difference between the migration cohorts of the 50s through to the 80s and the current cohorts is significant. The early years saw entrepreneurial, professional and business cohorts swell; currently it is Baby Boomers moving to the Gold Coast to retire and the 20-25 cohorts seeking part-time work, mainly in the tourist and hospitality industries. A land shortage coupled with high population growth and climate change factors has significant impacts for individuals, communities, populations, the local, state and federal economies and the government. Climate change concerns are central to my readings of the Gold Coast residential contexts. The areas of the city most vulnerable to sea level rise are where the most sort after residential landscapes are located. In this paper I will begin a housing genealogy and in doing so I will draw upon rationalities of risk and theories of ontological security. In keeping with the symposium aims, this paper begins a theorisation and critique of residential landscapes in the Gold Coast City. I adopt a historiography methodology that emphases the physical and social implications of change, specifically in relation to meanings of home and climate change. I am particularly interested in what the histories of housing can tell us about meanings of 'home' and how this can then reveal opportunities to plan and build residential landscapes differently; in ways that respond and adapt to climate change.
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Housing Theory Symposium
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