Understanding Australian Massage Therapists’ Attitudes and Confidence to Respond to Domestic and Family Violence in Clinical Practice: Findings From a Community Survey
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Hay, P
Baird, K
Griffith University Author(s)
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Purpose: To investigate massage therapists’ attitudes, consultation processes, and confidence to respond to situations involving domestic and family violence (DFV) in clinical practice. Methods: An online survey-based study was conducted and Australian massage therapists, 18 years of age or over were recruited. The survey included 64 questions in 3 sections: 1) Demographics, 2) Recognize Family and Domestic Violence, and 3) Respond to domestic and family violence with 4 subsections; i) disclosures, ii) referrals, iii) further education, and iv) final comments. Results: Two-hundred and seventeen respondents were included in the analysis. Knowledge about DFV, having a client disclose DFV and confidence to manage a disclosure, were all significantly higher with massage therapists with a personal experience of DFV. The main qualitative theme was antithetical attitudes with two subthemes: a) not in my world: I’d be enormously surprised that a person in an abusive environment would come in for a massage, b) in my world: I want to be prepared. Conclusion: Having personal experience of DFV significantly impacted the way that respondents felt about and managed DFV in their clinic. Several massage therapists’ who had no personal experience of DFV demonstrated a lack of knowledge about DFV and less confidence to respond to it in their clinic. It is important to upskill and educate massage therapists, particularly those with no personal experience, to improve their confidence to have discussions around DFV and to respond to DFV disclosures.
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Journal of Family Violence
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© 2024, The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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This publication has been entered in Griffith Research Online as an advance online version.
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Fogarty, S; Hay, P; Baird, K, Understanding Australian Massage Therapists’ Attitudes and Confidence to Respond to Domestic and Family Violence in Clinical Practice: Findings From a Community Survey, Journal of Family Violence, 2024