Wildlife Watcher Kylie: co-designing a virtual ambassador for the Koala Watch programme
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn
Griffith University Author(s)
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This paper describes a creative collaboration between Griffith University and Redland City Council that was piloted in 2020–2021. The project developed and tested an interactive virtual ambassador within an ongoing koala conservation campaign. Redlands Coast Koala Watch is a community programme that aims to enlist the help of Redland City residents in efforts to monitor local koala populations. A virtual character, ‘Wildlife Watcher Kylie’, was conceived as a mechanism for attracting young people to the programme as part of a social media communication campaign. The paper introduces the concept of virtual ambassadors and describes the step-by-step process of designing and implementing a virtual ambassador within a community-based programme. The design process is analysed in relation to current industry practices, and a practical design strategy is formulated that incorporates co-design methods. The authors note critical design considerations that may affect engagement with a virtual ambassador on social media, including ethical concerns, interactivity requirements, and the risk of Uncanny Valley effects. The project was successful at gaining attention from a broader audience and provided new insights into the marketing potential of virtual ambassadors within the wildlife conservation area.
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Studies in Australasian Cinema
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This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Studies in Australasian Cinema, 2022, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: https://doi.org/10.1080/17503175.2022.2148413
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This publication has been entered in Griffith Research Online as an advanced online version.
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Zelenskaya, M; Rundle-Thiele, S, Wildlife Watcher Kylie: co-designing a virtual ambassador for the Koala Watch programme, Studies in Australasian Cinema, 2022