The experiences and perceptions of farmers about the impacts of climate change and variability on crop production: a review
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Burton, Paul
Mackey, Brendan
Griffith University Author(s)
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Climate change is the world’s most pressing environmental issue, influencing almost all sectors of the economy. Agriculture is one of those sectors whose performance is primarily determined by an increasingly variable climate. Consequently, agriculture workers and particularly subsistence farmers are the proximate witnesses of the changing climate as their plight is one of having to struggle for their livelihood in the face of these emerging disruptions. Researchers in recent years have focused on ascertaining the perceived impacts of, and response to, climate change and agriculture. This study reviews the research specific to climate change-related experiences and observations of members of farming communities. Based on a systematic review of original research articles, published up until October 2016, the study reveals the status of in-field knowledge to inform future research. The review found that farmers worldwide have been experiencing changes in climate mainly regarding rising temperature, unpredictable and reduced rainfall. A majority have witnessed reduced agricultural production. Farmers hold differing explanations and respond accordingly to combat those changes. To orient adaptation measures towards those who are already experiencing and trying to respond to such changes, it is crucial to recognize and understand their views when formulating adaptation plans and policies.
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Climate and Development
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Karki, S; Burton, P; Mackey, B, The experiences and perceptions of farmers about the impacts of climate change and variability on crop production: a review, Climate and Development, 2019, pp. 1-16