Prediction of Compressive Strength of High Strength Concrete Using Multiple Linear Regression Equation (MLRE) and Numerical model
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Ehsan, Adeel
Rehman, Umar A
Tahir, SMT
Griffith University Author(s)
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Considerable increase in use of statics and its methods in representing the complex relationship between factors that contributes in the strength of concrete is noted these days. There is a gap in literature about the statistical and numerical studies of high strength concrete. An effort is made in this research to give an equation that can predict the values of compressive strength of High strength concrete. Moreover, the experimental results and the predicted values of SPSS are validated by using ABAQUS, a finite element modeling tool. The objective of this study is to provide 3D Finite Element model (using ABAQUS) and to use simple data to develop linear regression model (using IBM SPSS) for prediction of Compressive strength of High strength Concrete. HSC was developed by the use of locally available materials such as quartz powder, silica fume, steel fibers and quartz aggregates. The study also investigates the performance of concrete mixtures in terms of Compressive strength at age of 7 and 28 days. The effect of using quartz aggregates in place of quartz powder reduced the compressive strength. Steam curing resulted in reducing the strength when cured above 100 0C due to cross over effect. A data base of 56 concrete cubes (subjected to different proportions of constituents used in HSC) is used as reference to develop equation. The resulting equation was used to find the Compressive strength of HSC and is compared with that of experimental and numerical values obtained. The results showed high correlation coefficient r, 97 % and the coefficient of determination r2, 94 % between the actual and predicted values.
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International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications
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Civil engineering
Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
Numerical Modelling
Regression analysis
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Hussain, I; Ehsan, A; Rehman, UA; Tahir, SMT, Prediction of Compressive Strength of High Strength Concrete Using Multiple Linear Regression Equation (MLRE) and Numerical model, International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, 2020, 05 (09), pp. 26-36