Rumble’s Quest dataset for LP170100480 ARC Linkage Project Creating Pathways to Child Wellbeing in Disadvantaged Communities (2019-2020)
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Freiberg, Kate
Homel, Jacqueline
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
File type(s)
New South Wales, Australia
Queensland, Australia
Rumble’s Quest generates valid and reliable data on the social-emotional wellbeing of children aged 6-12 years (primary school/early high school). It was developed as a simple graphical game called Clowning Around to meet the evaluation needs of the Griffith University research team working with Mission Australia and Education Queensland in the ARC-funded Pathways to Prevention Project (2002-2011). In the period 2013-2016, with further funding from the ARC and partner organisations, the technology was extensively upgraded to Rumble’s Quest and the measure was embedded in an on-line system of resources to support schools and child agencies to understand their needs of the children in their care and to develop data-guided action plans to improve the wellbeing of their children. It is essential that users read Freiberg, K., Homel, R., Homel, J., Branch, S., Haskard, K., & Vasco, D. (2023). The Development and Psychometric Properties of a Scalable Digital Measure of Social and Emotional Wellbeing for Middle Childhood. Griffith University.
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Creators hold copyright for the data.
Item Access Status
Mediated access. People can contact us by email to request access or the opportunity to collaborate with the research team on further analyses of the data. The data will not be made accessible until January 1, 2023. Requests for access can be initiated through the Data Link.
People with access should cite the foundation publication, acknowledge that the dataset was generated through the ARC Linkage Project LP170100480, and acknowledge the support provided by the Griffith research team.
It is essential that users read Freiberg, K., Homel, R., Homel, J., Branch, S., Haskard, K., & Vasco, D. (2023). The Development and Psychometric Properties of a Scalable Digital Measure of Social and Emotional Wellbeing for Middle Childhood. Griffith University.
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social-emotional wellbeing
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digital game-based measurement
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