Activity Container #1

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Rottle, Jodie
Griffith University Author(s)
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Research Background: Activity Container #1 (2020) was composed for Brisbane-based Clocked Out Duo (Erik Griswold and Vanessa Tomlinson). It is a part of the Boundary Riders commission, which is connected to the award-winning Easter at the Piano Mill events held annually in rural NSW. The Boundary Riders project is a 6-part collection of works exploring remote performance in response to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. Activity Container #1 (2020) fits within the genre of New Eclecticism and is scored for three performers on everyday objects. The work requires each performer to video record their part according to time-coded events, and these parts are to be lined up alongside each other into a single frame to mimic an abstract collaboration of everyday objects and sounds. Research Contribution: Clocked Out defines a Boundary Rider as “an artist teetering between the known and the unknown”. Activity Container #1 is an original composition that discovers the possibilities of the unknown through new artistic territories in response to Pandemic art. It is an exploration of preserving the multisensory qualities of music in virtual-only presentation, and it examines the concepts of playability, surprise, and reveal. The text-based score makes this piece accessible to both musicians and non-musicians, and this expands the potential to create art in changing social landscapes. The title is reflective of the possibility to develop the work into a larger series. Research Significance: Activity Container #1 was the first instalment of the 6-part Boundary Riders project commissioned, premiered, and presented by Clocked Out. The video of the work was disseminated online and viewed over 2000 times on social media platforms hosted by Clocked Out. CutCommon ran an article on the project in which I included my artist statement and description of the work. It exists as a recorded video performance and text-based score, both of which are publicly available.

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Activity Container #1 - Program Notes Activity Container #1 is an unpredictable series of events. In the throes of the 2020 pandemic, I found myself trying to manage routine news updates and uncertainty. Each day felt like the wrong kind of surprise. My response as a Boundary Rider was to write a work that was the right kind of surprise. The composition explores the physical gestures and sounds of everyday objects found in our homes. I like to imagine that we recorded the work at the same time, and that perhaps our activities lined up but we simply couldn’t hear or see each other. We were each in our containers.

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Music composition and improvisation

Music performance

Persistent link to this record

Rottle, J, Activity Container #1, 2020
