Economic and Environmental Assessment of Post-tensioned Composite Slab Systems: a Comparative Study
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Doh, Jeung-Hwan
Peters, Tim
Griffith University Author(s)
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Perth, Australia
Sustainable development for the building industry, encompassing economic and environmental concerns, has grown increasingly important in determining the efficacy of construction solutions for various projects. New building materials and cutting-edge techniques have been developed and applied in recent years in an effort to reduce overall construction expenditures, which is one of the top priorities. There are many possible options to cut down on expenses, such as shortening the construction time or lowering the cost of labour and used materials. These factors have highlighted the global use of post-tensioned composite slabs (PTC) with profiled steel sheeting in construction practice due to a fast-track process without the formwork removal and the combined use of the post-tensioning method to reduce material costs and carbon emissions from cement production. Hence, to have a comprehensive assessment of these aspects of the PTC floor system, a comparative study is required to investigate how the selection of different concrete floors and reinforcing types influences the optimal cost and embodied carbon. The design optimization entails generating a parametric analysis that varies the column spacing and slab thicknesses to determine the effects of structural design variables on the prospective cost and carbon footprint. The results from this study highlight the benefits and drawbacks of the PTC floor frame from the viewpoint of sustainable design.
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Concrete 2023: Resilient and Sustainable Concrete: Breaking Down Barriers
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Phuoc Tho, D; Doh, J-H; Peters, T, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Post-tensioned Composite Slab Systems: a Comparative Study, Concrete 2023: Resilient and Sustainable Concrete: Breaking Down Barriers, 2023