Peeping Winkle

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Linhart, Michael
Griffith University Author(s)
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Dingle Ireland


Peeping Winkle, 11minute stop-motion film.

Research Background:

My Doctoral research is situated in the field of independent stop-motion animation with focus directed at material considerations enhanced by digital post-production refinements. In response to the research question: How can the material requirements of stop-motion puppet animation production be balanced with the affordances of digital effects and processes in order to best exploit the unique attributes of the technique?, a unified facial mechanism for stop-motion puppets was sought that combined haptic mechanisms with CGI generated 3D printed mouth replacements, and scope for composited eye enhancements.

Research Contribution:

My research has led to the creation of a unique hybrid facial animation method which incorporates traditional stop-motion fabrication processes of internal armature animator-controlled points skinned in foam latex, 3D printed mouth replacements with plasticine tongues, and realistic eye texture compositing. This unique combination of material fabrication and digitally-produced assets and composited techniques synthesizes the imperfections and textural appeal of traditional stop-motion with the expressive advantages of digital post-production techniques.

Research Significance:

The research output, an 11 minute stop-motion animation Peeping Winkle, showcases the hybrid facial animation method through its puppets. The success of this method in dialogue and facial expression, and ultimately audience appeal, is evidenced in the film festival accolades: Best Film at the Sydney Short Film Festival 2019, Best Stop-Motion Film & Best International Student Film at the Dingle Animation Film Festival Ireland, and nominee for an Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) Award November 2019.

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Peeping winkle displays the congress of material and production processes developed through DVA research in a 11 minute short film. synopsis: Peculiar Old Mr Winkle spends his days peering through his telescope observing the lonely life of his wheelchair restricted young neighbor Malvin. With only his mother and a ghostly figure that haunts his bedroom for company, Malvin sets to write a letter to Santa in hope of getting a friend for Christmas. When chance strikes Old Mr winkle is given the opportunity to make his young neighbors Christmas wish come true but with irrevocable consequences.

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Computer gaming and animation

Persistent link to this record

Linhart, M, Peeping Winkle, 2018
