Data Report for Evidence Based Training
File version
Varney, Michael
Murray, Patrick
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
John Scully; Michael varney; Patrick Murray
File type(s)
The Evidence-Based Training (EBT) project is a global safety initiative, which arose from concerns that recurrent and type-rating training were no longer meeting the needs of airline pilots. This report corroborates independent evidence from multiple sources, which include flight data analysis, reporting programs and a statistical treatment of factors reported from an extensive database of aircraft accident reports. Both process and results were peer-reviewed by experts in pilot training drawn from airline operators, pilot associations, civil aviation authorities and original equipment manufacturers, so as to provide transparency and to bring a qualitative and practical perspective. During this study, critical core competencies were examined, in technical and non-technical areas presenting the opportunity to train and assess flight crews according to a defined, useful and comprehensive set of measurement criteria.