Opportunity Knocking: Expanding undergraduate professional practice (Integration of WIL & Laboratory Health & Safety Best Practice) (Poster)
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Version of Record (VoR)
Brown, Christopher L
Williams, Michael L
Merritt, Christopher
White, Alan R
Tonissen, Kathryn F
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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Perth, Australia
Over three iterations the School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University has implemented an original vacation scholarship scheme for science undergraduates. The program is aimed at developing science student employability skills whilst meeting a pressing need within our laboratory environments to implement the globally harmonised system (GHS) of chemical labelling and classification. The program incorporated modules on WH&S regulations and practices, chemical labelling and storage, waste management, personal protective equipment, data entry, database management and developed a number of WH&S Standard Operating Protocols for School staff and students. Student questionnaire data pre and post participation indicated that students found the program valuable. They also highlighted how they appreciated the opportunities to network with staff, particularly in a non-assessable environment and were able to practise skills learnt in undergraduate courses to a working laboratory. The program facilitated the opening of new opportunities over and above those offered in a standard undergraduate program.
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Handbook & Proceedings of Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success (STARS)
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Degree Program
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© The author[s] 2016. The attached file is reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. For information about this conference please refer to the conference’s website or contact the author[s].
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Gregory, M; Brown, C; Williams, M; Merritt, C; White, A; Tonissen, K, Opportunity Knocking: Expanding undergraduate professional practice (Integration of WIL & Laboratory Health & Safety Best Practice), Handbook & Proceedings of Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success (STARS), 2016, pp. 92-93