Sense of Place and Urbanity: Challenges and Interventions at the Gold Coast

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Holden, Gordon
Griffith University Author(s)
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Sarah Hoekwater


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Noosa, Australia


Sense of Place and Urbanity: Challenges and Interventions at the Gold Coast For many decades the Gold Coast was largely perceived as a seasonally occupied beach-holiday resort strip of linked settlements that started life as dispersed service centres for the hinterland. While this was its origins in the late 19th Century the Gold Coast is now the sixth largest city in Australia and the most rapidly growing. The city has many layers of complexity related principally to rapidly increased urbanisation. Arguably the overarching 'spirit of place' at the Gold Coast derives from its ocean coastline and secondly from river and canal waterway edges. Other characteristics that make Gold Coast special derive from those qualities that foster a sense of authentic human attachment and belonging. As urbanisation intensified with it came growing numbers of small and large businesses to service the new city residents as well as transient visitors. Increased activity and services was the catalyst for visits from hinterland suburbanites and out-of-town trippers seeking to participate in the emerging urbanity as they partake of the natural attractions. At risk is degradation of 'sense of place'. Theoretical constructs relating to 'sense of place' will be explored. Three milestone initiatives are discussed in terms of fixed, semi-fixed and un-fixed elements as well as their functioning and contribution to the city's urban vitality and 'sense of place'. Speculative design interventions are also discussed that could initiate debate about encouraging Gold Coast City to adopt a sustainable healthy balance between urbanisation and sense of place. These respond to the uniqueness of every place.

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4th Healthy Cities: Making Cities Liveable Conference

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© 2011 Healthy Cities Conference. The attached file is reproduced here in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. Please refer to the conference's website for access to the definitive, published version.

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