Predictive Value of Uric Acid Regarding Cardiometabolic Disease in a Community-Dwelling Older Population in Shanghai: A Cohort Study
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Wu, Hong
Zhou, Xiaohui
Zheng, Liang
Lin, Fang
Meng, Qingshu
Xi, Xiaoling
Yue, Aixue
Buys, Nicholas
Sun, Jing
Liu, Zhongmin
Li, Jue
Fan, Huimin
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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Aim: This study aimed to test the predictive power of serum uric acid (UA) levels on new-onset cardiometabolic risk in the Chinese population.
Methods: Older people who visited a community health center for a yearly health check (N = 5,000; men: 47%, women: 53%) were enrolled. Participants were followed for 4 years from baseline (median: 48 months), with the endpoints being development of heart failure, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, or kidney disease.
Results: During follow-up, 342 men (7.4%) and 360 women (8.6%) developed hypertension; 98 men (2.48%) and 135 women (3.06%) developed diabetes; and 175 men (5.04%) and 214 women (4.51%) developed metabolic syndrome. Incident diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome increased with increased UA levels at baseline (P < 0.001). A multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis revealed a significant, independent association between the baseline UA level and the onset and future hypertension and/or diabetes in both men and women. However, UA is associated with the development of metabolic syndrome in men, but not in women.
Conclusion: UA is an independent predictor of new-onset diabetes and hypertension in both women and men and a predictor of new-onset metabolic syndrome only in men.
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Frontiers in Medicine
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Rights Statement
© 2020 Lan, Wu, Zhou, Zheng, Lin, Meng, Xi, Yue, Buys, Sun, Liu, Li and Fan. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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Cardiology (incl. cardiovascular diseases)
Epidemiology not elsewhere classified
Biomedical and clinical sciences
Health sciences
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Lan, Q; Wu, H; Zhou, X; Zheng, L; Lin, F; Meng, Q; Xi, X; Yue, A; Buys, N; Sun, J; Liu, Z; Li, J; Fan, H, Predictive Value of Uric Acid Regarding Cardiometabolic Disease in a Community-Dwelling Older Population in Shanghai: A Cohort Study, Frontiers in Medicine, 7