De-Domesticating the Actor: Applying Ankoku Butoh's Training Process of De-domestication to Develop Presence in Western Actor Training through Experiences of Awareness, Discipline and Energy
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Primary Supervisor
Hassall, Linda M
Other Supervisors
Balfour, Michael S
Suliman, Samid
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The primary aim of this research is to contribute to existing Western actor training methods that explore the experience of ‘presence’ in actor training environments, through the construction of a suite of exercises, formulated from the Japanese psychophysical performance practice of ankoku butoh (‘dance of darkness’). The research differentiates between the states of ‘being present’ and of ‘having presence’, with ‘being present’ equivalent to being in the moment, and ‘having presence’ representing an actor’s authentic presence as perceived by others. Subsequently, exercises derived from this research are specifically designed to develop each state individually, and specifically in the order of ‘being present’ and ‘having presence’. The process of ‘de-domestication’, as discussed in this research, and in its application in ankoku butoh training, refers to the elements of awareness, discipline and energy, experiences that this research posits are central to the development of presence as a performance technique. Utilising a mixed methodology of action research and reflective practice within the research framework, the study incorporated two action cycles of practical workshops whereby actor-participants experienced ankoku butoh-derived exercises to examine the possibilities of enhancing presence in actors. Cyclic principles of development, action, practice and reflection were utilised to determine if/how the exercises generated or encouraged the development of the states of ‘being present and of ‘having presence’ in the participants. The outcome of the research was the creation of a suite of exercises formulated from ankoku butoh’s process of de-domestication that may be used for enhancing presence in actors. Further applications of the exercises formulated from this study may contribute to the development of presence in other non-acting physical training disciplines such as martial arts.
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Thesis Type
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Degree Program
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Hum, Lang & Soc Sc
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The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise.
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actor training
ankoku butoh
dance of darkness