No Bodies Perfekt
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Griffith University Author(s)
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Background: Brands and products are rapidly adopting Augmented Reality (AR) technologies as an innovative way to engage with consumers. Growth in mobile device processing power has resulted in the development of new technologies, including AR-specific file formats and user-friendly software to develop sophisticated AR content. An increasing number of creative practitioners with activist agendas have been adopting AR to create new channels of subversive communication. These practitioners are repurposing these AR technologies to replacing existing mainstream messages with alternative content. Contribution: No Bodies Perfekt was a public exhibition which demonstrated creative explorations within the emerging field of AR activism. These works used AR to superimpose messages of self-acceptance and positive body image over existing public advertising spaces. One room of the gallery featured large-scale prints and contextual documentation demonstrating the work being used to obscure outdoor advertising spaces. A second room featured Apple iPads preloaded with AR graphics. Using the iPad camera, attendees could project the three-dimensional virtual works into the physical space on demand. This work is innovative because it demonstrates how consumer-facing Augmented Reality technology can be repurposed by creative activists to generate disruptive texts and subvert existing media messages. The exhibition made use of the newly released ARKit 1.5 and AR Quicklook platforms, and the USDZ (Universal Scene Description Zipped) file format. Significance: No Bodies Perfekt was on public display for two weeks in the Grey Street Gallery, Brisbane, Australia. It represented one of the first public applications of the new Apple iOS AR platforms in the world. QCA Griffith University and the Australian Graphic Design Association (Queensland) promoted the exhibition which was attended by academics as well as local design community members.
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The copyright in this creative work belongs to the Griffith artist.
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Visual communication design (incl. graphic design)
Design practice and methods
Persistent link to this record
Sargent, D, No Bodies Perfekt, 2018