Key Findings About Integrating Experiences
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Harteis, Christian
Billett, Stephen
Griffith University Author(s)
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This chapter presents a set of key findings from the fellowship projects that inform considerations for how the organisation, enactment and experiencing of practice-based experiences can be utilised and integrated within higher education programs. Eight propositions are initially advanced relating to the augmentation of students’ workplace experiences, the importance of students being prepared for those experiences, a consideration of students’ readiness to engage in and learn effectively at particular points in the development, and the important requirement of considering students as active learners who are also directed by other needs and priorities. Such considerations are central, because the most important educational process is what is referred to as the experience curriculum: That is, students experiencing of what is provided for them and how and what they learn from that experience. To respond to this important factor, it is necessary to consider and organise students and engagement in practice experiences in ways which are incremental and offer experiences that are associated with the readiness (i.e. ability to effectively engage). Beyond students’ interests and bases for engagement is that of teachers in higher education themselves and how their capacities and interests will be directed to engage in organising and utilising practice-based experiences. Finally, and however idealistic, efforts to align all of the understandings and interests of those who are involved in organising, implementing and experiencing practice-based learning opportunities need to be pursued. Together, these propositions stand as bases through which considerations of curriculum, pedagogic practice and also students’ personal epistemologies can progress.
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Integrating Practice-based Experiences into Higher Education
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Degree Program
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Billett, S, Key Findings About Integrating Experiences, Professional and Practice-based Learning, 2015, 6, pp. 135-160