Gender differences in the clustering patterns of risk behaviours associated with non-communicable diseases in Brazilian adolescents

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Silva, Kelly Samara
Filho, Valter Cordeiro Barbosa
Del Duca, CF
Peres, Marco Aur O
Mota, Jorge
da Silva Lopes, Adair
Nahas, MV
Griffith University Author(s)
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Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate gender differences in the clustering of risk behaviours associated with chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazilian adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2011 comprising 6529 adolescents aged 15-19. years from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Excessive screen-time, insufficient moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), low fruit/vegetable intake and consumption of alcohol were investigated. Poisson regression was performed in the analysis of sociodemographic factors associated with the clustering of three or more risk behaviours. Results: Girls presented with higher insufficient MVPA (76.3%), while boys presented with lower fruit or vegetable intake (53.0%) and greater consumption of alcohol (40.8%). A total of 21.2% of the teenagers had one risk behaviour, 37.3% had two, 28.5% had three, and 8.0% had all of the measured risk behaviours. Adolescents who did not work and boys who lived in urban areas exhibited more risk behaviours, whereas girls aged 17-19. years old and boys who had mothers with >. 12. years of study exhibited fewer risk behaviours. Conclusion: There was a difference between genders for individual risk behaviours, and a high degree of clustering in both genders. Prevention programs could focus on these behaviours in order to reduce negative health outcomes in adolescents.

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Preventive Medicine

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Silva, KS; Filho, VCB; Del Duca, CF; Peres, MAO; Mota, J; da Silva Lopes, A; Nahas, MV, Gender differences in the clustering patterns of risk behaviours associated with non-communicable diseases in Brazilian adolescents, Preventive Medicine, 2014, 65, pp. 77-81
