Centroid Training to Achieve Effective Text Classification

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Accepted Manuscript (AM)

Zhang, Libiao
Li, Yuefeng
Xu, Yue
Tjondronegoro, Dian
Sun, Chao
Griffith University Author(s)
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Shanghai, China


Traditional text classification technology based on machine learning and data mining techniques has made a big progress. However, it is still a big problem on how to draw an exact decision boundary between relevant and irrelevant objects in binary classification due to much uncertainty produced in the process of the traditional algorithms. The proposed model CTTC (Centroid Training for Text Classification) aims to build an uncertainty boundary to absorb as many indeterminate objects as possible so as to elevate the certainty of the relevant and irrelevant groups through the centroid clustering and training process. The clustering starts from the two training subsets labelled as relevant or irrelevant respectively to create two principal centroid vectors by which all the training samples are further separated into three groups: POS, NEG and BND, with all the indeterminate objects absorbed into the uncertain decision boundary BND. Two pairs of centroid vectors are proposed to be trained and optimized through the subsequent iterative multi-learning process, all of which are proposed to collaboratively help predict the polarities of the incoming objects thereafter. For the assessment of the proposed model, F1 and Accuracy have been chosen as the key evaluation measures. We stress the F1 measure because it can display the overall performance improvement of the final classifier better than Accuracy. A large number of experiments have been completed using the proposed model on the Reuters Corpus Volume 1 (RCV1) which is important standard dataset in the field. The experiment results show that the proposed model has significantly improved the binary text classification performance in both F1 and Accuracy compared with three other influential baseline models.

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2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA)

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Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing

Science & Technology

Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Text classification

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Zhang, L; Li, Y; Xu, Y; Tjondronegoro, D; Sun, C, Centroid Training to Achieve Effective Text Classification, 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2014, pp. 406-412