Quantifying membrane binding and diffusion with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy diffusion laws

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Mouttou, Anita
Bremaud, Erwan
Noero, Julien
Dibsy, Rayane
Arone, Coline
Mak, Johnson
Muriaux, Delphine
Berry, Hugues
Favard, Cyril
Griffith University Author(s)
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Many transient processes in cells arise from the binding of cytosolic proteins to membranes. Quantifying this membrane binding and its associated diffusion in the living cell is therefore of primary importance. Dynamic photonic microscopies, e.g., single/multiple particle tracking, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), enable non-invasive measurement of molecular mobility in living cells and their plasma membranes. However, FCS with a single beam waist is of limited applicability with complex, non-Brownian, motions. Recently, the development of FCS diffusion laws methods has given access to the characterization of these complex motions, although none of them is applicable to the membrane binding case at the moment. In this study, we combined computer simulations and FCS experiments to propose an FCS diffusion law for membrane binding. First, we generated computer simulations of spot-variation FCS (svFCS) measurements for a membrane binding process combined to 2D and 3D diffusion at the membrane and in the bulk/cytosol, respectively. Then, using these simulations as a learning set, we derived an empirical diffusion law with three free parameters: the apparent binding constant KD, the diffusion coefficient on the membrane D2D, and the diffusion coefficient in the cytosol, D3D. Finally, we monitored, using svFCS, the dynamics of retroviral Gag proteins and associated mutants during their binding to supported lipid bilayers of different lipid composition or at plasma membranes of living cells, and we quantified KD and D2D in these conditions using our empirical diffusion law. Based on these experiments and numerical simulations, we conclude that this new approach enables correct estimation of membrane partitioning and membrane diffusion properties (KD and D2D) for peripheral membrane molecules.

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Biophysical Journal

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Mouttou, A; Bremaud, E; Noero, J; Dibsy, R; Arone, C; Mak, J; Muriaux, D; Berry, H; Favard, C, Quantifying membrane binding and diffusion with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy diffusion laws, Biophysical Journal, 2023
