An assessment of governance quality for community-based forest management systems in Asia: Prioritisation of governance indicators at various scales
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Bhattarai, Nabin
Karky, Bhaskar Singh
Cadman, Timothy
Timalsina, Niroj
Bhandari, Trishna Singh
Apan, Armando
Ma, Hwan Ok
Rawat, RS
Verma, Nemit
San, Su Mon
Thaung, Naing Oo
Dorji, Kinley
Dhungana, Sindhu
Poudel, Mohan
Griffith University Author(s)
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Community-based forest management systems (CBFMS) are becoming increasingly popular in developing countries where 31% of the total forest is either managed or owned by the community. This paper presents the results of a four-country study conducted in 2017 in Nepal, Bhutan, India and Myanmar concerning the governance quality of CBFMS. The introduction outlines the global threat to forests, the contribution that forest-based emissions make to climate change, and the policy response of the international and national communities including REDD + . The next section provides a snapshot of CBFMS in the four case study countries, and is followed by an account of the methodology, approach, framework of analysis and sampling surveys undertaken during the course of, and informing, the research. The results of the surveys revealed that perceptions of governance quality, as well as governance priorities, varied between the countries, and also at the three levels of government (national, sub-national and local) within a country. For example, Myanmar and Bhutan had very high governance ratings from local levels compared to other levels, whereas, Nepal and India had similar ratings for all levels. Further, regarding the prioritisation of different indicators, Myanmar gave highest priority to “inclusiveness” at the local level but “democracy” at the national level. The reasons for the similarities and differences between and within these countries and the possible implications are discussed.
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Land Use Policy
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Urban and regional planning
Land use and environmental planning
Forestry management and environment
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Life Sciences & Biomedicine
Environmental Studies
Environmental Sciences & Ecology
Community forestry
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Maraseni, TN; Bhattarai, N; Karky, BS; Cadman, T; Timalsina, N; Bhandari, TS; Apan, A; Ma, HO; Rawat, RS; Verma, N; San, SM; Thaung, NO; Dorji, K; Dhungana, S; Poudel, M, An assessment of governance quality for community-based forest management systems in Asia: Prioritisation of governance indicators at various scales, Land Use Policy, 2019, 81, pp. 750-761