An intervention to improve the self-efficacy of key workers to support parental wellbeing at an early childhood intervention service in Australia: a stepped wedged randomized cluster trial

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Young, Dana
Reynolds, John
Tonmukayakul, Utsana
Carter, Rob
Swift, Elena
Williams, Katrina
McDonald, Rachael
Reddihough, Dinah
Carracher, Rod
Ireland, Paul
Tracy, Jane
Kenyon, Cassie
Gibbs, Lisa
Griffith University Author(s)
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Purpose It is well documented parents of children who have a disability are at an increased risk of poor mental health and wellbeing. A capacity building program designed to build key worker self-efficacy to support the mental health of parents accessing early childhood intervention services (ECIS) for their child was trialled.

Materials and Methods A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial design was utilised to deliver and evaluate a 12-month intervention program, comprising tailored professional development, resource development and sustainability measures. The repeated measurements on individuals in six clusters over three follow-up periods were analysed using linear mixed models. Comparison of the control and new program statistical means (adjusted for period effects) were assessed with an F test.

Results Key workers reported increased confidence to talk to parents about their own wellbeing (d = 0.51, F(1, 51.8) = 4.28, p = 0.044) and knowledge of parental mental wellbeing improved (p = 0.006). A reduction in staff sick leave partially offset the cost of the intervention.

Conclusions A multi-pronged intervention targeted at key workers was found to be an effective way to ensure parental wellbeing is supported at an ECIS in Australia.

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Disability and Rehabilitation

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Applied and developmental psychology

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Young, D; Reynolds, J; Tonmukayakul, U; Carter, R; Swift, E; Williams, K; McDonald, R; Reddihough, D; Carracher, R; Ireland, P; Tracy, J; Kenyon, C; Gibbs, L, An intervention to improve the self-efficacy of key workers to support parental wellbeing at an early childhood intervention service in Australia: a stepped wedged randomized cluster trial, Disability and Rehabilitation, 2022
