Are clinical findings of systemic titanium dispersion following implantation explained by available in vitro evidence? An evidence-based analysis

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Curtin, Justin Paul
Wang, Minji
Griffith University Author(s)
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Although the presence of titanium wear particles released into tissues is known to induce local inflammation following the therapeutic implantation of titanium devices into humans, the role that titanium ions play in adverse tissue responses has received little attention. Support that ongoing titanium ion release occurs is evidenced by the presence of ionic titanium bound to transferrin in blood, and ongoing excretion in the urine of patients with titanium devices. However, as reports documenting the presence of titanium within tissues do not distinguish between particulate and ionic forms due to technical challenges, the degree to which ionic titanium is released into tissues is unknown. To determine the potential for titanium ion release into tissues, this study evaluates available in vitro evidence relating to the release of ionic titanium under physiological conditions. This is a systematic literature review of studies reporting titanium ion release into solutions from titanium devices under conditions replicating the interstitial pH and constituents. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. Of 452 articles identified, titanium ions were reported in nine media relevant to human biology in seventeen studies. Only one study, using human serum replicated both physiological pH and the concentration of constituents while reporting the presence of titanium ions. While there is insufficient information to explain the factors that contribute to the presence of titanium ions in serum of humans implanted with titanium devices, currently available information suggests that areas of future inquiry include the role of transferrin and organic acids.

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Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

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Physical Sciences

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Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear

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Curtin, JP; Wang, M, Are clinical findings of systemic titanium dispersion following implantation explained by available in vitro evidence? An evidence-based analysis, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 22 (6), pp. 799-806
