Reliability of multi-purpose offshore-facilities: Present status and future direction in Australia
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Accepted Manuscript (AM)
Abbassi, R
Abdussamie, N
Salehi, F
Garaniya, V
Asadnia, M
Baksh, AA
Penesis, I
Karampour, H
Draper, S
Magee, A
Keng, AK
Shearer, C
Sivandran, S
et al.
Griffith University Author(s)
Primary Supervisor
Other Supervisors
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Sustainable use of the ocean for food and energy production is an emerging area of research in different countries around the world. This goal is pursued by the Australian aquaculture, offshore engineering and renewable energy industries, research organisations and the government through the “Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre”. To address the challenges of offshore food and energy production, leveraging the benefits of co-location, vertical integration, infrastructure and shared services, will be enabled through the development of novel Multi-Purpose Offshore-Platforms (MPOP). The structural integrity of the designed systems when being deployed in the harsh offshore environment is one of the main challenges in developing the MPOPs. Employing structural reliability analysis methods for assessing the structural safety of the novel aquaculture-MPOPs comes with different limitations. This review aims at shedding light on these limitations and discusses the current status and future directions for structural reliability analysis of a novel aquaculture-MPOP considering Australia’s unique environment. To achieve this aim, challenges which exist at different stages of reliability assessment, from data collection and uncertainty quantification to load and structural modelling and reliability analysis implementation, are discussed. Furthermore, several solutions to these challenges are proposed based on the existing knowledge in other sectors, and particularly from the offshore oil and gas industry. Based on the identified gaps in the review process, potential areas for future research are introduced to enable a safer and more reliable operation of the MPOPs.
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Process Safety and Environmental Protection
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© 2021 Elsevier. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence ( which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, providing that the work is properly cited.
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Related item(s)
Ocean engineering
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Blue economy
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Aryai, V; Abbassi, R; Abdussamie, N; Salehi, F; Garaniya, V; Asadnia, M; Baksh, AA; Penesis, I; Karampour, H; Draper, S; Magee, A; Keng, AK; Shearer, C; Sivandran, S; et al., Reliability of multi-purpose offshore-facilities: Present status and future direction in Australia, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 148, pp. 437-461